Freight factoring allows you to avoid the headaches of collecting on outstanding invoices and focus on running your business. Here are some advantages to consider as you evaluate whether freight factoring is the right option for your company.

Kick the Collections

Collecting on invoices is a tedious and frustrating, but necessary part of keeping your business going; however, you can bypass this chore by factoring your invoices. Match Factors will give you a 95% advance on your invoice, then take over collecting on the bill so you don’t have to.

Drop the Debt

Freight factoring provides an excellent alternative to bank loans, which forces your business to go into debt while waiting for your clients to pay for services. With Match Factors, you will collect 95% of what you are owed within 24 hours of submitting your invoices. Why go into debt waiting on money you are owed for services rendered?

Find Flexibility in Factoring

Credit comes with hard credit limits. Match Factors provides you the flexibility of submitting more or fewer invoices depending on your needs. Need more cash this month for unexpected vehicle repairs? Simply factor more invoices to get your money now rather than later.

Lose the Limits

Have you ever had to limit yourself to smaller loads until your clients paid on invoices that were one, two, or three months old? Through freight bill factoring, you no longer have to limit your business opportunities due to lengthy invoice windows.

Enjoy Extra Perks

Match Factors provides additional benefits to clients, such as discounts on fuel and free online account access, as well as unlimited credit checks for your customers at no cost to you.

Learn more about the benefits of freight factoring with Match Factors today!