There are plenty of companies out there offering “the best deal” when it comes to freight factoring your invoices. However, how do you know which company will best serve you and the growth of your business? Below are five traits that we believe you should look for in reputable freight factoring companies to help your business succeed.
Specializes in Commercial Transport – There are a lot of companies that offer general services to a variety of businesses in different industries, however it is recommended that you choose a factoring company that specializes in commercial transport. Companies like Match Factors that understand the nuances and challenges associated with commercial trucking will work with you and are more tailored to your specific needs than a generic service.
24 Hour Account Access – You should be able to access the details of your account any time of day and not just during standard business hours. Trucking isn’t 9 – 5 on weekdays, and neither should your freight factoring support. Match Factors offers clients with free online access to your account information anytime you need it.
Quick Credit Checks – To help you make healthy business decisions regarding to haul for, choose a freight factoring service that can provide quick credit checks. Match Factors provides clients with unlimited, free credit checks that you can perform quickly so there’s no delay in productivity.
Flexible Invoice Factoring – Work with a factoring services that allows you the flexibility of submitting as few or many invoices as you prefer per month. Some services required a minimum number of invoices, or charge a subscription fee. With Match Factors, you can submit just what you need for your business that month.
Provides Responsive Service – Rather than work with a company that transfers you to the “next available representative” when you have a question about your account, work with a factoring specialist that devotes a team to your account so you speak to someone who knows your account and needs every time. Match Factors provides a dedicated account team to every client so that no important detail goes unnoticed.
Free Fuel Cards – Fuel is without a doubt one of the industry’s biggest expenses and your factoring company should be sensitive to that need for your trucking business. Match Factors offers clients free Comdata Fuel Cards for discounts on fuel purchases.
Think Match Factors is the best fit for you trucking company? Call us today to speak with one of our knowledgeable representatives and learn how we can serve your business through freight factoring your invoices.